Thursday, December 17, 2009

[WTS] Video Creation & Distribution Service (Special DP Offer 24 Hours)

We know that Youtube and video marketing can generate high traffic and influential in SEO. For more details you can read here:

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[WTS] Christmas FaceBook App


What is MyGifts?
MyGifts is a FaceBook Application that allows the user to send their friends a "gift" that you have added.

The gifts that are sent can be anything and new ones can be...

Doeren Mayhew: The Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009 Signed Into Law

Doeren Mayhew: The Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009 Signed Into Law   by Doeren Mayhew

in Accounting   (submitted 2009-12-16)

Enacted in November 2009, the Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009 contains many tax
provisions that affect individual and business taxpayers. For individuals, the Act provides an expansion of the firsttime homebuyer tax credit by including existing homeowners who are "long-time residents." A number of
other key measures contain changes for businesses, including an important new net operating loss provision.
Homebuyer Tax Credit Under Prior Law
Prior to the new law's enactment, a refundable federal tax credit of up to $8,000 ($4,000 for a married taxpayer
filing separately) was allowed for qualifying first- time homebuyers who purchased a home between April 8,
2008, and December 1, 2009. In order to qualify for the credit, a taxpayer must have had no ownership interest in
a qualifying principal residence in the U.S. during the three-year period before the purchase of the home.
Under prior law, the allowable credit was phased out for individual taxpayers whose modified adjusted gross
income was between $75,000 and $95,000 (between $150,000 and $170,000 for married taxpayers filing jointly).
Homebuyer Tax Credit Under New Law
The Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act generally extends the first-time homebuyer credit for
contracts to purchase entered before May 1, 2010, and closed before July 1, 2010. The new law also liberalizes
the credit by making it available to higher income taxpayers, as well as to those individuals who are not
first-time homebuyers.
Generally, existing homeowners who are qualifying "long-time residents" may qualify for the tax credit if they
contract to purchase another principal residence before May 1, 2010, and close before July 1, 2010. The Act provides that any individual who has maintained the same principal residence for any five-consecutive-year period during the eight-year period ending on the date of the purchase of a subsequent residence be treated as a "first-time homebuyer."
However, the maximum credit for long-time residents who qualify under the Act is the lesser of $6,500 ($3,250
for married individuals who file separate returns) or 10% of the purchase price of the principal residence.
The credit now phases out for individual taxpayers whose modified adjusted gross income is between $125,000
and $145,000 ($225,000 and $245,000 for married taxpayers filing joint returns) for the year of purchase.
For purchases after November 6, 2009, the first-time homebuyer tax credit cannot be claimed for the purchase of
a principal residence if its purchase price exceeds $800,000.
Extension of Five-Year NOL Carryback
The Act liberalizes rules relating to business net operating losses (NOLs) by extending the prior law's temporary fiveyear carryback of NOLs to apply to 2009 NOLs. The Act also provides an expansion of the five-year carryback's
availability to include generally all businesses, not just eligible small businesses.
Under prior law, for NOLs arising in tax years ending after December 31, 2007, an eligible small business could
temporarily elect to increase the NOL carryback period for an applicable 2008 loss from a previous limit of two years to up to five years. (This carryback allows a business to use the loss to offset net income realized
in an earlier year, thus qualifying for a refund for that prior year.) Generally, an eligible small business is a trade or business whose average three-year annual gross receipts are $15 million or less, ending with the tax year in which the loss arises.
The Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009 liberalizes the previous NOL provision by extending the five-year election to most businesses, as opposed to limiting it to only eligible small businesses.
Subject to the "only one election" rule, an applicable NOL arising from a business's 2008 or 2009 calendar year, or that of a fiscal year beginning in 2007, 2008, or 2009, can be carried back to the third, fourth, or fifth preceding tax year. The NOL carryforward period of 20 years is not modified under the Act.
Limitation on NOL Amount
The Act generally limits the amount of an NOL that can be carried back to the fifth tax year prior to the loss
to 50% of the taxpayer's taxable income for that fifth preceding tax year.
Doeren Mayhew Can Help
The Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009 contains other important tax provisions,
including modifications to failure-to-file penalties for pass-through entities (such as partnerships), and an
extension of the FUTA surtax. Our professionals can help you understand how the new law's provisions apply to
you or your business. Please call Doeren Mayhew today at (248) 244-3000 for more information.

Areas of Business Where Accounting Software is Useful

Areas of Business Where Accounting Software is Useful   by Charles Cheow

in Accounting   (submitted 2009-12-16)

Software for accounting manages numerous areas of accounting. Without the software the task could be completed but most likely it would be done inefficiently and it would cost a company a lot of money.

Payroll may be the most single important aspect of keeping a business running smoothly. When problems with payroll arise more than just a payroll department may be affected. A company's employees can be negatively affected when the payroll accounting is in disarray. Disgruntled employees not properly receiving paychecks due to payroll accounting issues can be avoided by using quality payroll software. Many companies desire payroll software which includes features such as electronic direct deposit, check generation, along with online data merging capabilities. The ease and cost of updating the tax tables and new laws on an annual basis is also an important consideration.

Building a financial statement and keeping a general ledger are important to a small business trying to achieve growth. Not only does the data show the owner where the company financially stands but the information is required to be provided to financial institutions when a business applies for financial assistance or small business loans. The segment of accounting software creating balance sheets and profit and loss statements are often easy to learn and do not require advanced accounting knowledge to maintain. Once the financial information is input to the general ledger portion of the software the business owner can run reports and print financial statements.

Keeping track of inventory is a daunting task unless accounting software is used. Inventory tracking software can help a business know exactly what merchandise they have in inventory and where it is located among other things. Some accounting software includes inventory tracking while other brands require this feature as an add-on. Using software to track inventory can save a business a lot of money instead of the company purchasing merchandise they may already have as well as saving the manpower used to locate merchandise that has not been touched in a while.

Invoicing and accounts receivable is how a business brings in their capital. Without accounting software to assist with this important task, revenue could be overlooked and lost. Software that allows the business to keep the master record of all their customers and the orders that have been placed along with the dollar amounts of the orders makes this area of accounting simple. For each transaction, a record needs to be input describing items purchased, charges and receipt of payment.

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Choosing a Book Keeping Service

Choosing a Book Keeping Service   by Charles Cheow

in Accounting   (submitted 2009-12-16)

Book keeping is a task that is most accurately accomplished when completed on a daily basis. A successful business relies on the keeping being done accurately and timely. It is best to leave the detailed work of book keeping to a professional and many business owners rely upon an outside book keeping service. When outsourcing your book keeping needs to an outside service is important to choose a company carefully. There are numerous factors to consider when choosing a reliable service.

The skill level of the individuals working at a book keeping service is imperative to consider when choosing a company. It is important to know that they posses superior skills in the book keeping roles they work in. They must have expert knowledge in payroll, tax preparation, budgeting and the other reports and financial data the business employs them for. A business who hires an outside service to complete their tax preparation and payroll is still completely responsible for all errors and will impose penalties and interest on any outstanding tax payments regardless of if a third-party completed the work.

A business that hires a company to take care of their financial records is turning over importing financial documents and information that must be kept secure. Book keepers especially in the payroll department often have access to employees' social security numbers and other secure information. The results can be disastrous if the information is taken misused. Before a business owner turns over any documents to a book keeping service they should first verify legitimacy of the company as well as conduct research involving any previous complaints.

Businesses save money when outsourcing their book keeping to a outside service. Instead of relying on numerous employees to keep up with the daily activities of book keeping, a business's detailed records can be updated professionally and timely while the business owner pays a single bill to one company. This saves the company money and allows the existing employees to allocate and focus their time on the businesses interest.

One good way to follow up with the book keeping service and ensure that they are keeping on top of your company's book keeping needs is to use an online service. Many online services utilize software that allows their personnel to enter the financial data directly into online software. This allows the business owner to login so they can view the real-time data that has been updated by the bookkeepers. Another benefit of this service is that there is no lag time when a business owner needs to view reports, further the owner can often run their own reports saving them additional money over paying the booking service to run them.

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Generate Content and

Generate Content and Income with Autoblogging: Generate Content and Income with Autoblogging   by Wilmer Streed in Blogs .. *

How to find topics f

How to find topics for your blog posts: How to find topics for your blog posts   by Mike Consol in Blogs   (submitte.. *

Reasons to Use a Book Keeping Service

Reasons to Use a Book Keeping Service   by Charles Cheow

in Accounting   (submitted 2009-12-16)

When a business owner is spending time doing the busy work of accounting and bookkeeping they are not focusing on what it takes bring in revenue. Many professionals believe it takes a team to make a business successful. This is true even when a business as a one-man show or sole proprietor type entity. In this instance, the team would be the outsourced professionals. A book keeping service is an outsourced professional along with others like attorneys and CPA's that should be considered a requirement for a success strategy in small business.

While the business owner remains focused like a laser beam on their specific business the bookkeeping service can be taking care of the day to day accounting work. An individual can takes hours of classes or spends days reading IRS manuals trying to decipher the laws pertaining to payroll taxes. Once all that information is learned the next year the tax laws may be changed and for certain the tax tables will require updating. Leave the book keeping to the professionals, letting the book keeping service stay current on the ever-changing laws.

Numerous small business owners report that they cannot ever be sure if they have collected all of the money owed to them because they don't have a proper accounting system in place. They start out keeping much of the information in their head or in spreadsheets they designed only to realize later that those methods are not as reliable as they once thought. The benefit of a third party book keeping service is they will generate invoices and keep track of all the billing needs of a corporation. This works best with reoccurring invoicing as it is often a one-time set up for the business owner but the service keeps up the work. As this is being completed, the bookkeepers are updating the company's accounts receivable files as well as balance sheets and general ledgers.

Many business owners don't have the time to enter the receipts for the items they purchase for their business. They keep them in a shoebox, bag or other inadequate filing system until tax season comes around. This is quite ineffective, as proper reports cannot be generated without this vital information. Instead of running inaccurate reports the business owner should relay the receipt information directly to the book keeping service so that they can input the data immediately. This can be accomplished with little effort through a faxing or scanning service.

Tips to Selecting Accounting Software

Tips to Selecting Accounting Software   by Charles Cheow

in Accounting   (submitted 2009-12-16)

Whether a business is large or small accounting software can improve how financial information is handled. Manually tracking large amounts of financial data can be time consuming and inefficient. Errors are likely to occur and data can become disorganized, but when software for accounting is utilized the data is managed much more efficiently with less chance of error.

Numerous specialties in accounting can benefit from the use of accounting software. The reach of financial software goes much further than just payroll and financial statements. Business owners can benefit from inventory tracking, tax reporting and budgeting in addition to numerous other accounting needs. Weekly, monthly and annual reports can be generated using software; the compiled information can then be turned over to a professional account for guidance and review. This saves a business capital, instead of paying the account to complete all of the daily actives including copulation of the data.

High quality software used for accounting should not take a lot of time to master and should be easy for the business owner to learn. Many individuals already possess most of the skills required to successfully implement the most accounting software. Some industries are specific to the point where specialized software should be used. This software would address the individualized needs of the specific business type. Another desirable feature in business software is the availability of upgrade modules. Often smaller businesses don't need all the features of an all-inclusive program up front but would benefit from the modules in the future. Being able to tack on additional features, as needed, can save company money.

As technology advances so does accounting software. Many versions of software sold today allow the user to download financial information via the internet straight from the businesses bank's website. The benefit is there is no risk of data entry errors and it takes little time to download.

Customer support and training availability are important features to consider when selecting accounting software. Most reputable companies offer phone service or e-mail support, however in person or personal training may be more beneficial depending on a company's budget. As a part of customer service, many companies offer downloadable trials for free or for a nominal fee. Before spending a large sum of money it is advisable for a business owner to take advantage of the trial offering. This step can save a business from purchasing nonrefundable software that may not be compatible with their requirements.

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[WTB] Need Blogging Advice From "Real" Pro!

I need advice from a season veteran professional blogger, on my blog

My blog is a beauty blog that is structured around a "health product" free trial affiliate program. However, it is not turning out how I would like.

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I need to make 11$ today. to renew a domain

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