Friday, January 22, 2010

[WTB] Live Sports Feeds


I'm looking for someone that can get me live sports feeds. You would need to send me the exact code (flash, javascript, etc.)

I don't care where you get them, but I would need them to be live and available before every major game.

Sports I'm looking for:


Selling My List Of High PR Backlinks +.EDU +.GOV

Howdy All!

I am selling a limited number of copies of my personal list of high PR authority site backlinks including .EDU and .GOV and forum list. I use this for my customers, and it also includes some that I have kept for my own personal use. This is not my complete list, as I do need to keep...

[WTB] Quality Furniture Links Only

If you have a furniture related site and would like to sell links or blog posts let me know.
Please note I am not interested in any other niche

Automate Office Work Flow With QuickBook Checks

Automate Office Work Flow With QuickBook Checks   by William Gold

in Accounting   (submitted 2010-01-21)

Quick Books Checks are created using one of the most enduringly popular of accounting applications available on the market. QuickBooks Checks can be used to better automate your office's workflow so that routine tasks are simpler and even quicker to perform. They also help eliminate the possibility of error because you are no longer manually filling out each and every check. Quick Books Checks also allow for the personalization of checks by such things as the company's logo. This creates a very professional and elegant impression.
So as to most fully utilize your QuickBooks Checks, you must devote some time to learning the check writing system used by the software package. The program is pretty easy to use, with an interface that's made to look just like a real checkbook. What is necessary to know is which areas of the write checks window need input, depending on the kind of bill you wish to generate. For example, paychecks for your employees cannot be paid here; payroll functions are available on another screen. Other kinds of checks have their own unique categories, such as sales tax. Sometimes this sort of information is entered in the Pay Bills section.
But once you learn all that and come to realize all the different benefits of generating your very own, you'll be happy to learn that they are available in a variety of designs and layouts, with some offering three to a page while others bear just one each, leaving the rest of the page for the sort of information typically found on check stubs. Still others come in rolls of continuous paper separated by perforations. Then there are those that are fed into your printer sheet by sheet, picked up by the printer itself as needed. No matter the size or type, however, These will certainly save time and money by freeing up personnel to deal with more important aspects of your business. They do not require any prior accounting experience, as the software that uses them is so user-friendly that it has become the industry standard by which its competitors judge themselves.
As previously mentioned, these checks are available in a wide variety of styles. But many vendors also offer starter packages which not only include a set of such checks but matching envelopes as well. However, it's also possible to use pressure sealer equipment which will create one-piece mailers, obliterating the need for envelopes. But regardless of how they are delivered, generating your own checks off a computer is undeniably the modern way of doing things.

Boutique Styling

Boutique Styling   by Kayla Tyler

in Accounting   (submitted 2010-01-21)

Online stores have long outshined actual retail department stores. Business owners opt to showcase and sell their merchandise by creating shopping websites instead of setting up boutiques or stand-alone stores. These days it seems more economical to do business via worldwide web as it saves time, effort and money above others. Despite this fact, my partners and I still thought it best to put up a quaint boutique for our venture that is plus-size women's fashion.
I have created mental images of our clothing boutique long since my two best friends came up with the idea of starting our own business after graduating from fashion school. The vision was successfully carried out all thanks to my professional interior designer friend who offered to set up the boutique absolutely free of charge.
Since boutiques are generally more interesting-looking than the usual department stores, prepping up the place turned out to be a really enjoyable experience for every one of us involved. It wasn't as hard as imagined what with the help of a few other friends who willingly offered not just resources and store equipment - like commercial cash registers and cash register parts - but more importantly, man labor.
If you're a small business owner like me with plans of setting up your own boutique, consider the following tips.
* Breakaway and break-free from (styling) rules. Exercise your (creative) freedom in coming up with themes or designs for your designated store space. Have elements of surprise throughout the store and they don't even have to be in-line with your business. A good friend has a somewhat high-end boutique that offers vintage designer apparel.
* Having rich and sophisticated customers coming to the store daily, she had to have the best pos software and the best cash registers installed.
* The "surprise" factor was that the store's barcode scanner was for sale as well - as it had a vintage look to it, so I was told.
* Utilize all possible nooks or areas in the given space. For example, back rooms can be good storage areas or you could turn them into comfy lounges for your customers. Get pieces of furniture that are not only decorative but functional as well so to make the most out of your (relatively small) space.
* Establish an image or a mood by means of lighting and decors or accents. Try to make even the smallest detail of your store reflective of whatever image you want your store to have. Maybe the tag prices of the clothes or the hangers could give your customers a feel of your stores overall vibe.
* Make a good impression. Once your customers step in make sure they're already able to get a taste of what your store has to offer. Make specialty items stand out in the display, install unique lamps, and hang interesting pieces of art - whatever you feel would express who you are as the store owner.

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Your Business Will Suffer Without Good Worker Payroll Software

Your Business Will Suffer Without Good Worker Payroll Software   by Ian Wright

in Accounting   (submitted 2010-01-21)

Doing and preparing payrolls for your company is a very stressful job, you have to make sure that you have listed all the names of the staff members, you have to check if their time card is right and see if you have calculated their salaries right.
People before have had hard time computing for the employees' payroll especially when you are in a big company it will take time or even over-time just to finish the payroll.
Today those that can afford it use software that will help their employees make their work a lot easier. For programmers have made an employee payroll software system, this software allows the assigned employees that is the HR and the accounting department in getting their job done on time.
There are lots of payroll software programs programs that has been developed by different companies and programmers in the country. Like time tracking software, this is one of the difficult part when you are working on doing the payroll for you need to know if the employee had a sick leave or if they had an latenesses etc.
This software applications will help you in dealing with the time records of your staff members. The time records of your employees are important in computing their payrolls, their attendance, absence, holidays, under time, overtime, the time they spent while doing a project of your company that was assign to them etc. Here are some of the workers' payroll rights that the owner should consider and know.
Overtime Pay: The owner should pay their employees an over-time amount when their workers work beyond the time of his shift. Usually a full-time work schedule is 40 hours a week, so if the employee works more than the 40 hours then the employer should pay an over-time rate per overtime hour.
Withholding Pay: as an employer it is your responsibility to pay your employees on a regular basis for their hard work. Also see to it that the workers receive their wage on time, if their pay will fall on a holiday you should deposit it before so that they can get it before the holiday. Putting your workers salary on hold when he resigns or is fired is illegal, except when he has a legal deduction that would be taken out from his or her wage which will lead to non-payment.
Worker payroll programs is a big help but you have to choose the right software applications, the one that your company will need. And before buying know what is the necessary features that your software should have.
Also read feedback and reviews over the net, this will help you in choosing the right programs, and gives you a hint which software programs is good for your company.

Accounting - Basic information of the business

Accounting - Basic information of the business   by Parmod Gusain

in Accounting   (submitted 2010-01-21)

An Accounting is the oldest term used with the business. In general term accounting means provide basic information about the business to the business holders. Accounting is the art of communicating financial information about a business entity to users such as shareholders and managers. The communication is generally in the form of financial statements that show in money terms the economic resources under the control of management. Accounting is also called the financial statements of the business. It is the basis of date required for financial decision making. In order to find where the business stands in any given point of time in financial terms and results of the operations carried by the business organisation during a specific period of time financial statements of Accounting is used.

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Types of Accounting
For the business purposes we can divide the accounting in the below given term -
* Financial accounting
It is "a major branch of accounting involving the collection, recording and extraction of financial information, and the summary of it in the form of a periodic profit and loss account, a balance sheet and a cash flow statement in accordance with legal, professional, and capital market requirements".
* Management accounting
It is another branch of accounting performed within an organization to provide information only accessible to its decision-makers.

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* Open-book accounting
It is an accounting principle that aims to improve accounting transparency of organizations.
* Tax accounting
It is the accounting needed to comply with jurisdictional tax regulations.
* Accounting scholarship
It is the academic discipline which studies the theory of accountancy.

Basic Accounting Concepts
Below there is a list of the basic accounting concepts and a brief summary of each concept.
* Business Entity Concept
According to this concept, the business is assumed to be a distinct entity from the persons who own the business.
* Money Measurement Concept
According to this concept, only those transactions and facts find the place in the accounting books which can be expressed in terms of money.

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* Cost Concept
According to this concept, the assets acquired by a business are recorded at their cost of acquisition. This concept does not take into consideration the current market value of the assets.

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* Going Concern Concept
According to this concept, it is assumed that the business entity is going to be in business for an indefinitely long period of time.
* Conservation Concept
* Dual Aspect Concept
* Accounting Period Concept
Should follow the accounting period consistently.
* Matching Concept
* Materiality Concept
* Consistency Concept
Should follow one method of recording of transactions in a period of time.

1001 ways to make dollars

Accounting means Financial Statements

Getting The Most From Your Payroll and Accounting Software Applications

Getting The Most From Your Payroll and Accounting Software Applications   by Ian Wright

in Accounting   (submitted 2010-01-21)

Accounting and payroll is one of the toughest and tiring jobs, if you are not fond with numbers then you are not suited for this job. Mostly this work deals with numbers, amounts and your company's finances and how to manage them.
Accounting involves maintaining the business records of a person or organization and preparing forms and taxes or other financial purposes. Accounting departments hold the records of your employees' payroll and the financial records of your company.
To have an accounting of your company's records is very important so you could keep track of your finances; you'll know where your company's money has gone, or on which department used the money and what it is used for.
Here are some tips and advice for you concerning accounting and payroll programs.
You must first decide when you would like to pay your employees, would you pay them twice per month, every week, or every other week if you like. Then after you have make a decision you then have to choose if you want to hire a payroll agency or you're just going to use one of your employee to do the job.
You also need to set up a filing for your workers' records. It's recommended that you must keep important papers and records files on your employees. Ask your friends that manage their own payrolls so that you will know what documents you need to ask in your worker for filing.
If you decided to buy an accounting and payroll software then you should set a budget. You also have to consult someone who has knowledge on these things. You also need to know what kind of features that your company needs in an accounting and payroll software applications.
You also have to search through the net and look for the right software since you already know what vital features you need. If you want you could download trial version to see if you like their programs.
You also need to consider if the software is difficult to use or not, if you buy software that is difficult to use then you need an worker or you need to hire a person who is familiar with computers and software applicationss. But if you can buy the user friendly software then you need not hire an expert and just operate the software on your own or assign one of your workers to do the payroll.
Nothing is hard if you just study and understand how it works or know its functions. Accounting and payroll programs are created for companies, and to help those workers that are assigned to that area making their work a lot easier and faster. Companies can also benefit from it for the software will also help you find your employees files a lot faster, unlike before when you needed to open folders by folders. Now with just one click you'll find what you need. This kind of programs, is helpful to any kind of business, you just need to find and buy the right one.

It's A Win-Win With Payroll Software Programs For Small Business

It's A Win-Win With Payroll Software Programs For Small Business   by Ian Wright

in Accounting   (submitted 2010-01-21)

Every worker is being paid by their employer for their help and hard work. Big reputable companies have departments that are assigned for doing the payrolls. But there are those small companies that do not have these departments.
In this case the small companies will just assign one employee to do the payroll. Making payroll is not easy, it takes time, effort and concentration as to not make mistakes in subtracting the amounts that are needed to be subtracted like taxes, under time or absences.
One of the vital parts in doing a payroll is the employees' time record; they must be clear and accurate. Because the amount of wage that the workers are going to receive will be based on their time records, like attendance, sick leave, under time, overtime etc.
The workers pay will vary on how many over times or under time they have how many absences they have and also the taxes that are needed to be deducted from their salaries. By just reading what you have to do when you are assigned to make a payroll makes you want groan but work is work and you must get it done. Especially payroll, or your fellow employees including yourself will not receive their wage on time.
Before the computer era people are having hard time doing this job but now that we are in the computer age software have been developed to help small business as well as the big companies on their payroll dilemma. There are a lots of payroll programs programs which will help you do your job much faster and easier. But you have to be cautious in finding the right payroll software applications for you and your company. You don't want to waste your money on a useless one.
Since big companies have their HR and accounting department to deal with their payroll, most small business hire payroll services and just pay for it. They just send the necessary documents that the service needs and the list of employees and the payroll service will be the one to print the check for the workers.
Getting payroll software applications for small business is not a bad idea if they have a budget for it, the advantage of making your payroll in your company is you can monitor how much the amounts are being issued or if there are some deduction or additions in your employees' salary you can easily do it.
The owner will be the one to decide which is best if he buys software or just hire some payroll service, since you only have small amount of employees working in your company. If you decided to hire a payroll service then you have to make sure that the service company is trust worthy.
If you decided to buy then make sure that you buy the programs that has the important features that will be useful in making your companies features.

Are Payroll Processing Programs Better Than A Payroll Processing Company?

Are Payroll Processing Programs Better Than A Payroll Processing Company?   by Ian Wright

in Accounting   (submitted 2010-01-21)

As an employee getting a right amount on a paycheck and making sure it is on time is very important. It is the reason why they are working so hard just to get paid is because of their family and their own survival.
You have to work in order for you to get paid and put something on the table for your family to eat and save for the education of your children.
So payroll is very important in every company for this is why their workers are doing a great job in helping the owner grow their company. The employer in exchange for their employees' hard work should give the right salary rate and give their paychecks on time.
Since today computers are getting very popular a lot of software from games to applications are being developed. One of these is the payroll processing software; this software helps the company in making a payroll for their workers. Just like in every computer there's always a process going on inside, so when you are making a payroll there is also a process on how to make it.
Here are the processes that you'll go through.
* Calculating the amount of salaries the employees should receive and also the hours they spent working, their commissions, over-time pay and bonus if they have one.
* Next is deduction of benefits or contributions, benefits such as health.
* Deduction of necessary taxes.
* Deduction of garnishment, tax levies or child support.
* Printing checks for the employee's salary or if the workers prefer that their salary will directly be deposited in their account, the one who process the payroll will be the one to transfer it.
* Remitting payments to the necessary parties and agencies.
* Filing 1099s, W-2s, return to tax agencies and Social Security Administration.
If you use a payroll computer programs processing your workers payroll will have less error and will be accurate in their calculations. The software is programed to perform the calculation that is needed in the payroll computer programs.
There are some companies that hire payroll processing services, the employer will just send the needed information and the payroll service will be the one to process it. The employer should also be careful in choosing payroll processing service, they should know the reputation first and the service's policy before they hire it to process the company's payroll.
For there are some payroll companies that does not remit to some agencies that your employees needs to remit on. The employer must know what is included in the service so they won't get penalties. You should remember that if you want to hire the service of a payroll company make sure of the reputation and the financial standing of the company.
Also check if the payroll companies have remitted the amounts that are needed to be remit in the necessary agencies, for the agencies will hold you responsible for it not the payroll service company.
Of course you can avoid all this by buying the right payroll processing software.

Creating a Blog Post

Creating a Blog Post That Appeals to Readers: Creating a Blog Post That Appeals to Readers   by TJ Philpott in Blogs &nbs.. *

Business Payroll Programs: Some Of Your Options

Business Payroll Programs: Some Of Your Options   by Ian Wright

in Accounting   (submitted 2010-01-21)

Payroll simply means the total sum of money to be paid to employees at a given time. It also includes the list of employee's names and the amount of their salaries or wages. This is one of the important things when you open up a business your staff member's wages; you need to give to your workers the salaries they worked hard to earn.
Some company's may have discrepancies when it comes to their staff member's wages, maybe because the boss has many things to think of. But you could always hire someone you trust that could handle that area so you don't need to worry about it.
Since we are in the computer era there is what they call payroll software, this software will help you make your payroll duties much easier and much faster to finish.
It is very useful especially on mathematical calculations that mostly people are having a hard time on. The software programs is programmed to solve equations for your payroll with accuracy. When you use the payroll programs you also lower the human error such as calculating the numbers wrong or miss some of the numbers that are supposed to be added or subtracted to your employee's salary.
If you want to try the payroll software then here are some of the best payroll services you could choose from.
* SurePayroll
* QuickBooks
* XpressPayroll
* ADP (Automatic Data Processing)
* PayCycle Inc.
* PayUSA Inc.
* Wells Fargo Business Payroll Services
* Peachtree
* E-chx Inc.
In buying or subscribing to payroll programs's you need to know:
* How much it cost will not only be your preference in purchasing the software programs.
* You also need to consider the reputation and the experiences the company that sells this software has.
* You also have to know or inquire if the company will represent you to the International Revenue Service if any issues arise.
* You also have to check out the payroll software if it suits your company's needs; do you like the features or how the software works. The functions and if it is user friendly and is easy to operate.
Here are the important features which you should take into account when finding for payroll computer programs.
* Automatic tax calculations
* Handling of federal forms
* Check printing
* Customization possibilities
* Generation of business reports
* Direct deposit capabilities
* User friendly and convenience
* Have technical support
You should take these tips into account when finding payroll programs, also searching and reading feedback from other users can also be helpful. Remember that affordable software that lacks important features is useless so better buy the expensive complete computer programs than the cheap useless one.

Outsourcing accounting is an important Task for small Business

Outsourcing accounting is an important Task for small Business   by Hi-Tech Accounting Services

in Accounting   (submitted 2010-01-21)


Accounting is a significant task to all small and large business also accounting is one of the most significant features of any company. This is because the marketplace situation is always fluctuating and you do not know which way it will turn. It is responsible for managing and tracking financial operations and help to take financial decisions. Accounting is inclined to name a task that is to keep records of transactions that go through every day.

Accounting is an important method for small and large financial firms for the reason that its keep record for our all the financial transaction. However, accounting must be done carefully. In fact, accounting is the reference through which one can know about the demand for the company. In general, accounting services tasks includes recording business assets, liabilities, income, and expenses in the day-books, journals, and ledgers chronologically. No matter your business is big or small, you require professional and expert accounting services to manage records.

There are many benefits using online accounting services, the first and a foremost benefit is saving in time and money. Also, it gives accurate results which will assist in measure operation and monitoring of the business.

Online Accounting Services such as:

  • Accounting Reconciliation

  • General Ledger Maintenance

  • Inventory Reconciliation

  • Payroll Processing

  • Cash Flow Management

  • Payroll Administration

  • Budgeting

  • Credit Card and Bank Reconciliation

  • Taxation Services

  • VAT Services

Outsourcing accounting service providers are experienced and able to manage all kind of accounting software available in market. Thus, it is a wise suggestion to outsource the accounting. By outsourcing accounting, you will enjoy benefits like reduced cost of work, more flexibility, and better quality of work. It is always a good thing to get the help of this service, because it provides the most excellent solutions and helps to increase business in the right way.

[WTB] Genuine Web Host Reviews

I am looking for people who can review their web host on my site. I will pay 50 cents per review. Reviews are pretty easy. They consist of a few different rating criteria including:
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[WTS] Youtube Account/Video Promotion


I am back again to help you to promote your Youtube Account/Videos. Here are the pricing for reference.

100 ratings = $5
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1000 ratings = $35

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500 favorites = $30

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All you have to do is write bright ads and send your traffic. In the ebook you will find how to setup your campaigns in and how to...

SEO Expert Needed

We are a small agency looking for a freelance seo expert. Keyword research, internal linking and anchor text, high pr backlinks, goals, etc. All white hat.

Please send us a little information on yourself and your seo strategies. We need only one freelancer. Please don't contact us if you are a...

[WTB] Need cheap blog and hosted

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