Friday, October 16, 2009

A Question to Vendors on Ebook Length

Posted on 11:22 PM by programlover

I have looked on the forum and i have also looked on outside sources the rule seems to be:

"Once youve given quality and said all you can say on the subject then thats the correct amount of pages"

However, this is kinda useless, i know i could write a good 40 page ebook on a niche im stupidly familier with and i know it would fix the problem but wouldnt you be a bit disapointed if i sold that ebook for say $29.99 when theres other products the same price that have streched the information with fillers and made a 100 page ebook. I could make mine massive as well but then i am just diluting the pefect knowledge....

Also i was wondering, when you have extra givaways how long do you make those additional ebooks that have surrounding informaiton within?

I dont plan to become a vendor for a good month longer, if not even longer then that but i dont want to create a product and spend money if i end up getting refunds due tot the person not thinking it was worth it without reading it.....

Last question:

All the tracking codes etc are they given by clickbank?