Saturday, October 17, 2009
Why don't CB publishers tend to offer hard copies as upsale?
Posted on 11:21 PM by programlover
I really don't get it;
A few years ago, printing and mailing e-books might have been an unnecessary hassle. I won't argue with that.
But one would think at this day and age, it would be possible to outsource the whole printing process, as to be able to mail customers a hard copy of their e-book purchases, and charge them as little as $10 extra and still get some extra profit out of the deal. I think this could be achieved with minimal effort on the part of the publisher, and I know many customers would enjoy getting this option.
I haven't researched this yet, but I'm pretty SURE there are online printing services out there that will print and bind a book up to 100 pages and mail it anywhere in the world... for less than $10.
So, why isn't offering hard copies of the ebooks as upsale a common practice among CB publishers?