Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tips for Landing Six Figure Clients

Posted on 12:59 AM by programlover

Tips for Landing Six Figure Clients   by Christine Harrell

in Finance / Accounting    (submitted 2010-03-01)

Companies dream of the customers who can provide six- or seven-figure revenues to the organization. While there is considerable competition for these contracts, most sales representatives make basic mistakes that quickly knock them out of the running. Smart marketing and a close relationship with a virtual accounting department will put you on the fast track to landing top clients.
Know Your Stuff
Wealthy clients don't spend their money frivolously. They will want to know not just about your products or services but also about your organization. Clients don't want to commit to a two-year service contract with a company who files for bankruptcy three months later. Work with your virtual accounting department to gain an understanding of your business's financing so you can answer questions quickly and authoritatively.
You also need to know about your competitors. Why should this client go with you instead of someone else? Pat answers and marketing jargon won't impress the high rollers. They want hard facts and clear answers. If you don't know why your product is better, how will you convince a customer? Tailor your answer to this particular client. Show how it will help this particular business or individual, not just how it helps your other customers.
Provide Hardcopy Information
The client should not have to do the work. Any analyses and information you can provide means fewer obstacles to a prospective becoming a new customer. Prepare a short, written summary of your presentation you can leave with the individual at the end of the presentation. This document should be concise and well organized, not a comprehensive description.
In particular, potential clients want to know how your services will benefit them financially. A virtual accounting department can help in preparing financial analysis that show how doing business with you will benefit the client. Be realistic with your projections. If you hand over a fantasy analysis, it will get tossed in the shredder. Reasonable estimates are more likely to grab a prospective client's attention.
Respect the Client's Time
There are a few things a virtual accounting department can't help with. One of the most important aspects of this kind of presentation is to show you appreciate the value of the customer's time. Everyone knows you should never be late to a sales presentation but you shouldn't be early either. Arriving thirty minutes before your appointment doesn't show enthusiasm. It may, in fact, make you look sloppy, unsuccessful or desperate.
In the same way, don't take more of the customer's time than is necessary. If you've been given fifteen minutes, your presentation better not be twenty minutes long. You need to be done at the designated time. On the other hand, be available if the client wants you to stay longer.
The valuable information provided by a virtual accounting department combined with basic sales common sense gives you a substantial edge over rival companies and increases the number of large clients you attract.