Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Posted on 12:23 AM by programlover

Alexa Rank 917,000 (and increasing) 20-50 Unique Hits Per Day and 150-200 Page Views.

When you buy it you get...






Anything else not listed ask and it is probably included. I have a really nice stat viewing page that shows you how many hits/unique hits and pics/videos uploaded for that day and all past days, also includes monthly view.

And a log that shows the IP address that uploaded, what is was (Pic/Video) whether it was from a URL or File OR generated from a Tool and what tool. Along with a direct link to the picture.

And finally a IP Banning script is included to deny anyone permission to use it who appears not being able to use it safely and correctly.

I am not sure what to sell it for so make an offer.

Any other questions just post here, PM me, or e-mail me at

I'll transfer it to your GoDaddy account or any other domain site that allows it so.