Tuesday, November 24, 2009

[WTS] **Autoblog Academy Premium Autoblogs Coaching Service :: Limited Slots**

*Hello and Welcome to all of my DP friends.

If you really want to know How to make premium autoblogs and make steady automated money then forget e-books and videos come to real coaching where all the secrets are revealed with 100% accuracy and satisfaction guarantee.


[WTB] Simple copy paste job $5

I need someone to copy paste around 80 emails from HTML sales report into text file (line per line).

Pay: $5 on PayPal

iTrader 5+ required.

[WTS] Crop My Pictures

*The Crop My Pictures (http://www.cropmypictures.com/)* software can be used for photo and vidcap cropping and resizing (thumbnails). Just define the target thumbnail size, select a photo or video, highlight the area in the picture or vidcap to be cropped and click on CROP. Crop My Pictures will...

[WTS] Traffic from Facebook

Will help you get members/fans to your facebook group/page for as low as $3 per 100 users...

[WTB] Need help with Joomla template tonight! 11.23.09

Nevermind. Thanks!

What is a Blog?: Wha

What is a Blog?: What is a Blog?   by Mike The Blog Builder Guy in Blogs   (submitted 2009-11-23) 0votesvoteWhat is.. *

Plugins and Widgets

Plugins and Widgets & Permalinks Too!: Plugins and Widgets & Permalinks Too!   by Mike The Blog Builder Guy in Blogs &nbs.. *

A Short History of B

A Short History of Blogging: A Short History of Blogging   by Mike The Blog Builder Guy in Blogs   (submitted 2009-1.. *

The Hassle-Free Bookkeeping and Tax Preparation

The Hassle-Free Bookkeeping and Tax Preparation    by Loretta Valero-Smith

in Accounting   (submitted 2009-11-23)

If you have a business, perhaps you consider bookkeeping and tax preparation among your more unsavory jobs. After all, who wouldn't? These two jobs, bookkeeping and tax preparation, can be among the most laborious of the duties you have to shoulder when you run your own business. And the problem is, it doesn't even have a lot to do with your business itself, except that you, of course, are doing your job as a citizen and making sure that you pay your taxes right and on time.

First of all, let's talk a little bit about tax preparation and what it is. You as a citizen and business owner have the obligation to your government that you must prepare and file regular tax returns; this usually happens at least once a year but may happen quarterly, depending on your specific circumstances. Doing this can be quite laborious, because you have to figure out what all of your liabilities and deductions are, any exemptions you have from taxation, and so on. You'll need to pay your taxes on time in order that you won't be held responsible for further late fees and penalties because you filed your taxes late.

Now, of course, you can do this yourself (and you can also do the bookkeeping associated with tax preparation, because you'll need those figures to properly pay taxes and keep abreast of your business financially). But the fact of the matter is, a lot of people don't have the ability to do those jobs themselves, and they surely don't enjoy them even if they can do them.

So now, I ask you: Would you rather be spending time running your business, working with customers, and doing what you really love to do? Would you like to leave the duties of tax preparation and bookkeeping to someone else?

Using someone (firm or individual) who is versed in current tax laws and tax codes seems like a reasonable solution, doesn't it? After all, this person or firm is going to know exactly what current laws are, such that you won't unwittingly overlook something you should know about so that you may have to pay fines or other expenses for improperly filed taxes, such as late fees.

Outsourcing these arduous tasks to someone who not only can do them better than you can but may actually enjoy them as well, as a livelihood, makes perfect sense, because their expertise will make your job much easier, and will make sure that your taxes are filed properly.

And by the way, you can also outsource bookkeeping duties as well. These are your day-to-day financial accountings of your business; if you have trouble keeping on top of this because the business itself takes up so much of your time (and why wouldn't it?), assigning bookkeeping duties to someone else who's an expert at doing that, too, may be a very smart choice. Which is best for you? Outsource tax preparation and/or bookkeeping, or keep them in your own task list? It's your decision.

5 Steps to Effective

5 Steps to Effective Blog Posting: 5 Steps to Effective Blog Posting   by TJ Philpott in Blogs   (submitted 2009-11-.. *

Learn More About Aut

Learn More About Automated Blogs: Learn More About Automated Blogs   by Wilmer Streed in Blogs   (submitted 2009-11-.. *

How a Blog Can Benef

How a Blog Can Benefit You: How a Blog Can Benefit You   by Mike in Blogs   (submitted 2009-11-23) 0votesvoteHow a .. *

Blogging Platforms a

Blogging Platforms and How They Affect Your Choices: Blogging Platforms and How They Affect Your Choices   by Mike in Blogs&nb.. *

Does Outsourced CPA Service Compromise The Efficiency of Accounting?

Does Outsourced CPA Service Compromise The Efficiency of Accounting?   by Loretta Valero-Smith

in Accounting   (submitted 2009-11-23)

When it comes to running an efficient business, the one thing that you want to pay close attention to are the costs. Everything you do will cost money, and the idea is to minimize your spending. You might spend hours, days, weeks, or even years trying to figure out the best way to reduce your costs, but the answer is right in front of you: Outsource. Okay it may sound terrible, but we really are in an economic crisis, and saving money is all that matters at this point.

Your accounting department is one of the major areas that can be outsourced, and for this reason, there are many independent accounting agencies out there that you can use for all of your accounting purposed. The first thing that you will need to do is take a look on your favorite search engine. Searching for "Independent Accounting Services" should bring you several dozen results. But now that you know where to find it, how do you choose a good company?

First, you want to look at the number of transactions that they do per hour. A good company will usually do fifteen to twenty per hour. Aside from that, you need to look at their rates. Typically, these companies will work internationally, so make sure that you find their rates in the currency that your country actually uses. If they offer a decent price, then you should definitely think about it.

You will reduce costs to your company by making this move, particularly because you won't have to pay any employees on site. Aside from the pay that you will save, you also won't need to provide them health benefits, as their own accounting company will do this for them. You wouldn't believe what a difference healthcare costs can actually make in a company.

In addition to cost reduction, you will also find that you have a lot more space when your accounting department is gone. You can use that area to generate additional revenue that you would not have had otherwise. You will also find that your accounting employees are much more competitive. When you're dealing with your own employees, they have job security and cannot be easily replaced. But when you have chosen to outsource your accounting department, they will have to work harder than ever before. After all, you can just choose to go with another company at the drop of a hat.

Accounting companies will work hard to gain your approval, and as a result, you will end up with the best accounting work, transactions, and any other services they provide. All you need to do is a simple internet search to find the right company to outsource to.

Make sure you do your research to ensure that you are going with a reputable company. There are many out there that won't do the superb job you require, so do your best to sort out the fakes from the genuine product. The best thing you can do is search forums or ask people who have used these types of companies. They will be able to tell you the best company to go with, and soon enough you'll be outsourcing with the best of them!

Microsoft windows genuine product keys

I am selling genuine microsoft windows keys.

Windows 7 (any edition) : 40$
Windows vista (any edition) : 35$
Windows xp (any edition) : 30$
any other microsoft windows will cost only 25$

i am also selling Microsoft office. Any version of ms office will cost 20$.

[WTB] Have a good free movies site? I can make you BUNCH of money!


If you have a solid free movies website that has at least 2000 uniques per day, I guarantee you I can make lots of money for you!

We can do this two ways:

1) You "rent" me your website for a month... I work on it towards achieving at least $100 a day. I will also invest money of my...

****Looking for donation for Project****

Hello I am looking for someone to sponsor a project I am starting. I am making a blog on the New York Mets but the problem is I now have a cash shortage. If anyone is willing to donate at least $100 I will be extremely grateful, this is what you can get out of it:

1. Ad on side of site that...