Thursday, January 7, 2010

Making Money By Reduced Spending

Posted on 7:43 AM by programlover

Making Money By Reduced Spending   by Martin Fister

in Accounting   (submitted 2010-01-06)


Many people are searching for ways to make more money. To achieve this goal, people look for get rich quick schemes or new business ventures to start or even just enter the stock market with hopes of hitting it big. However, while all of these methods have some potential to turn a profit, they are all very high risk and can require a great deal of work. In the end, one of the best, if not simplest ways to make more money, is simply to cut your spending.
By cutting your spending, you are essentially increasing the amount of money you have at the end of every month. With this money, you can even invest in low risk options and still ensure that overtime, you will see a substantial amount of increased income as you develop a greater nest egg. This money can be invested into bonds or mutual funds that track the stock market, or even something as simple as a reward checking account.
How to cut spending? There are a variety of ways you can do this. One big way to save money is by shopping around for new insurance plans. Auto insurance can be a big expense, and many companies are willing to offer you a lower rate to get you to switch. This type of savings is huge as it's not a one time savings but instead, helps put more money in your pocket every month.
Another great way to cut spending is by learning to say no. Sure something might look really cool, but do you really need it? By asking yourself this question, you will be more likely to put things back on the shelf, saving you a ton of money over the long term.
It can be hard to make money, but it's usually not hard to find ways to reduce your spending. And when all is said and done, spending less is almost the same thing as making more.