Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Proceeds of Crime: What are they

Posted on 10:58 AM by programlover

Proceeds of Crime: What are they   by Nasreen Haque

in Finance / Accounting    (submitted 2010-02-16)

One of the biggest influencing factors for crime is the desire for money. It's why people choose to steal, it's why they choose to lie, and it's often why they choose to conspire. For folks who are the victims of these crimes, there is some legal recourse. The American legal system makes it so that people who benefit financially from crime do not get to keep their spoils in the end. There are legal avenues that allow people who have been the victim of a crime to take action against those folks who have wronged them. In order to win a proceeds of crime case, people have to understand their options, though.
The various types of proceeds of crime cases
In some cases, it might be as simple as a person breaking into your home and stealing something, then turning around and selling it. This would be a pretty cut and dry type of case. Some cases are more difficult to tell, especially when you are working with businesses and things of that nature. Because of the complicated nature of proceeds of crime cases, it is essential that people who are involved get the help of qualified financial professionals. The legal aspects is only one side of the coin, as a financial firm can help prove that you have been wronged in many ways.
Forensic accounting
One of the services provided by a financial firm will be some sort of forensic accounting. A forensic accountant is a person who takes a hard look at all of the data and begins to dig a little bit deeper. Instead of just looking at the basic numbers, that person will make sure that he gets evidence that can be presented in a court of law. The legal system is such that an investigation must be completed in the proper way if you are going to be able to use it as evidence. This is what financial firms provide and they can be a big time resource in addition to the legal team that you might assemble.
In all, financial firms provide lots of different quality services for folks who are involved in proceeds of crime cases. These are complicated matters and their financial element makes them even more difficult to deal with when you are caught right in the middle. Suing for what you are owed can be a bit easier with the right help, though.