Monday, October 26, 2009

Links need to be indexed...

Posted on 6:52 PM by programlover

When people backlink - they leave links on this special site or that high PR site. After they leave it, they go to the next site and leave a backlink. They forget all about getting the page indexed where they left the link. This is very important - if it doesn't get indexed - it doesn't do you any good.

Yes, eventually, the page that you left your backlink on will eventually get indexed - but it may take a few months. Some people, seeing this, turn to pingomatic or pingler to get these pages indexed - or they may even social bm the page. I can only say from my exerpierence, that this rarely works for me. I'm pretty impatient, so I try a different approach.

If I want a page where I left a link on indexed quickly, I've found that I can do it two ways. Let's say I create content on a new web 2.0 property and it isn't indexed yet. I would leave a sig link on a high traffic forum and see that it usually becomes indexed a lot faster than if it was bookmarked or pinged.

Another way is this. I have a website "in the harbor" that has a PR of 3 that the Googlebot visits quite often. I would leave a link or two to a Web 2.0 property, and it would get indexed rather quickly. In fact, it's better than when I leave sig links on high travelled forums.

Anyway, that's my advice and personal experience. I hope this can help someone. I'm open to any comments or suggestions...