Wednesday, October 21, 2009

[Suggestion] Who moderates the moderators?

Posted on 2:51 AM by programlover


This is a question that I have in mind.

I've just received (another) randomatic infraction: "Reason: Thread Started In Wrong Category" for selling a domain in the domains section of an auction that ended days ago.

Look here:

What's wrong?

I know we shouldn't complain and that the board is so big that it would generate an awful lot of troubles.

But, who moderates the moderators?

The infraction is on my account, there's nothing anyone can do about it but how is this going for others?

Do you feel the same type of randomness in this thing?

Would nice to hear other opinions about this matter, let's see if something can be done about this to improve our situation as users of the forum.

Thanks for reading.